This past weekend FSU held its 11th Dance Marathon. This is where FSU students dance/stand for 32 hours straight to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network and especially Shand's Hospital. Shand's is where Hunter was treated after he was born. We went Saturday to see over 900 dancers participating. This was amazing. I believe when I participated 10 years ago there might have been 200 (not really sure). On Sunday night at the closing ceremonies they played a slideshow of Hunter's pictures (which are below) and I gave a speech about Hunter's stay and what we went through. I also talked about being a dancer for FSU's dance marathon 10 years ago. 10 year's ago they didn't have the equipment that saved Hunter's life, so we are so thankful for FSU's Dance Marathon and the Children's Miracle Network. I believe I am the first FSU Dance Marathon participant to become a miracle family. After that they announced that they raised $406,000. That is truly amazing.
This is Hunter being baptised at Tallahassee Memorial when he was 1 day old. He was completely sedated and paralyzed by medications.

Here was Hunter's home at Shand's for three weeks. He stayed in this position for two weeks without being held. We were allowed to touch his feet and head.

These are all of Hunter's machines that kept him alive.

This is the first time Hunter opened his eyes. I believe he was 8 days old. His face was so swollen from medications that it was difficult for him to open them.

Here is Hunter (3 weeks old) on the C-Pap, this was a "downgrade" from the ventilator. He looks like a little alien.

After almost a month, Hunter is ready to come home from the hospital.